Mega Man X Collection!!!

In Mega Man


That might be not bad.

I just hope they get the right button setup the next time...

Tell me about it!

But if it's going to be on all three consoles, I'm sure one of them is bound to get it right.

*using telepathy and force POWers on creators of this game collection*
"Button Configuration Menu... You want to create a Button Configuration Menu!"

Dang I thought they were starting a 3-D project of Megaman X series

Man I Love Megaman...Agree'd...they need to get the button system down. I wonder how many they're would be? X through X?... We will have to wait and see

Is the Megaman 64 in the game pack?


Have you heard? Apparently, it's coming to all three consoles!

I'm pretty pumped. I don't know about you guys.

I just hope they do not screw us again like they did on the gameboy collection.

The GB version will eventually come out and there is supposed to be like 8
or more games on it and the GB ones there was only 5 so lets hope for our Wily Wars, and Megaman Soccer.

The GB version will eventually come out and there is supposed to be like 8
or more games on it and the GB ones there was only 5 so lets hope for our Wily Wars, and Megaman Soccer.

I kind of hope the Zero games will be included. I love them, or possibly the Battle Network. Wily Wars after all was the first 3 games of the NES series. Love them all.

I just got the new issue of nintendo POWer, it came with a preview disk and this was one of the games on it. They didn't have any of the Zero or battle network games, probably because they're still pretty new.

They only seemed to have the X games on there.

I'm definately gonna buy this when it comes out!

Personally, I've never been a fan of collections. This would be one I might buy, however I don't like the idea of them recycling EVERY GAME that did even fairly well back in the mid-90's era *COUGHNINTENDOCOUGH*. Now, unlike Nintendo, they are bundling quite a few decent games together on one collection, but the whole analog issue bites big time. If they sold controllers that had a more 2D feel with an 8 way arrow pad I would be interested, but seeing as none are around (haven't looked online yet, might later) it seems worthless to play classics on a modern system. I love the games, especially the X series, but the idea of cramming all the classics on the new consoles seems like shoving pizzas into a toaster...sure, you could do it, but it just wouldn't turn out as good as if you had the tools meant for the pizza.

Allow me to introduce you to the Hori Digital Controller.

there is a write-up

Looks like it could be WELL worth the money to import.

That is sweet! I must get one.........when I get money .

So, there isnt any C buttons? on that controller?

Or a controll stick. Some games like 007 Nightfire, you need the pad, and the joy stick.

I think it's intended for things like the Megaman collections, or the Zelda games on the collector's edition and such, not for use in every game.

It still would be cool to get.