Left Handers

In Off-topic

I'm curious. I don't know any other left handers. So, I was wondering (out of curiosity) if there are any others on the NES Files?
If anyone is curious, famous left handers can be found
Fred Astaire, Hendrix, even Castro! Sweet.

my mom is a lefty. But im right handed.

I write right handed. But then I play Golf/cricket/Baseball etc left handed. So I guess I'm a mixed breed.

I'm curious. I don't know any other left handers. So, I was wondering (out of curiosity) if there are any others on the NES Files?
If anyone is curious, famous left handers can be found
Fred Astaire, Hendrix, even Castro! Sweet.

You seriosuly don't know any other south paws? I have 2 freinds that are south paw. As far as gaming goes, I don't think being lefty or right effects your gaming, your hands probably tend toget used to it

if you're not RIGHT handed, then you must be WRONG handed, and if you can't even write with the right hand, you can't be all that smart

if you're not RIGHT handed, then you must be WRONG handed, and if you can't even write with the right hand, you can't be all that smart

I don't know about the whole "being smarter" thing. There's a theory that involves around the idea that left handers use the creative side of the brain...or something.....so are more creative I don't know how accurate this is...

And no, I know left handers (statisically I should)

im left handed, no sh%&t, south paw sounds better though, im the only left handed person left in my whole family after my grandad died ages ago every one else is right handed

does anyone know if they made left handed POWer gloves,or were they all right handed,

I grew up left handed, but my mom trained me to write with my right, cuz she diddn't want me to be a "freak" (my mom was a traditionalist catholic)

hey evilnes you wouldnt have the southpark picture with butters looking like kurt cobain, i saw it ages ago ive been looking for it for for ever, its simular to the pic in your profile

I'm right-handed.
I know a lot of lefties. Ned Flanders, C.M. Burns, Moe Szyslak,... (Perhaps I watch too much cartoons? ...)

When it's the Simpsons, you can never watch it too much.
Bart Simpson is left handed too.
I neglected to mention - I write and throw (very badly) left handed, but play Tennis, Cricket, Golf etc. Right Handed (unlike my Dad, whose right handed and plays the afformentioned sports left handed)
And i'm right footed, though not too bad on my left.

WHen i skated, i skated goofy, not regular. i think its becaus my freind was goofy and he taught me.

Link is left handed. And he owns ganon every time.

When it's the Simpsons, you can never watch it too much.
Bart Simpson is left handed too.

That's true.
Always when a new dvd set is out I watch that at least twice on one weekend.