PS2 Trackball Controller

In Modern Systems


Ze Bodielobus looks Bodelicious.
Alright, I'm tired and that was stupid, but it does look cool. Ah, there's some fishing game where you have to spin the damn analog stick (I can't remember the name) for the reel, this trackball idea seems like it would make that one a lot easier, among others.
Cool that they remembered to stick an R3 button on there...

IDK about this one. I cant even imagine trying to playing a FPS with that, i think it wold be 10x more difficult.

I imagine it would take a hell of a lot to get used to, but the increased precision in any game would be beautiful... and I <3 Vampire Night.

My main problem with it is that the buttons look thoroughly not-fun to push. (You know what I mean.)

Yep, some of them look like they're in pretty awkward positions, but personally, I'm surprised at the amount of different controller styles I've gotten used to over the years.
Fisherman's Bait--that was the one where you had to spin the analog stick..
I wonder if this controller will support, track-ball wise, the trackball ones on classic collections, i.e. Crystal Castles, Centipede, etc.?

The start/selet buttons look impossible to push What button would you use to fire? Certainly not any on the right? I assume an R?

The start/select button location does blow. If you prefer using the directional buttons versus the analog sticks, it looks like those st/sel buttons are an accident waiting to happen...

lol did anyone notice in the sketches the start/select buttons are in the center where they have always been on PS controllers? Anyway I do't see how your gonna push them if your in a fast pace game, looks like you'd have to dig your fingernail in it.

I know... Hopefully, one could push it with the pad of your thumb, but from the look of the buttons, it doesn't seem likely... I wonder how much it's going to cost? One of us (i.e me) is going to have to get it and review the thing.