Nintendo Seeks Worldwide Revolution

In Modern Systems

I like the Idea of putting out a system a round the world on the same date.

The Nintendo president also raised the corporate stakes for the console's success by stating that if the Revolution did not outsell the company's current

I think the Rev will sell more then the GCN.

Sorry to say this, but not until mid-2006 I think.

I'd love to see a global launch (because at the moment Europe seems to get everything 6 months after the rest of the world) but I don't see it happening. The main problem is supply. Unless Nintendo are planning to open a few new factories I don't see how they would be able to do it.

yeah, they can't just hold a couple million units in a factory while more are being produced. they'll run out of room

Wouldn't that be perfect in "Modern Systems", or is it really SO off-topic?


I'd also be glad to see a worldwide launch at the same time. Although I don't believe this to happen, yet. We Europeans will get it AFTER the other territories for sure.