An old lawsuit...

In General Gaming

This is an older article, but I can't stand when people are just plain ignorant! Check this out:

Well, Nintendo wouldn't get any flak for that, there are now warnings on everything. but the guy knew about the seizures and kept playing for 8 hours a day, 6 days a week. that's just stupidity. I'm VERY thankful I haven't got epilepsy or anything. I'd have nothing to do.

It was the sons lifestyle he chose. Playing 8 hours a day is quite a lot, I say he triggered it himself.

I think it's just silly that the guys MOM was suing Nintendo! The guy was thirty years old! Maybe if he was mentally handicapped, I could see that, but sheesh!

This is just another display of some dumbass trying to excersise their 'rights'. Just like the lawsuit about the guy suing Dunkin' Donuts for burning himself with their coffee, or the guy that sued McDonalds because he got fat after years of only eating fast-food. Sheer Stupidity, but whats even more sad is the courts actually pay attention to this bullshit.

not only pay attention, people often win. the one that sticks in my mind most is the woman who sued a large department store because she tripped over a child in the store, and won.

The REALLY stupid part?


lol thats hilarious who would be dumb enough to keep playing its also funnt when it says she sues for the money he would have made even though he played so much video games

I know this is "old hat" now, but I was browsing some of the older topics and found this.
I just have to say the very idea is ridiculous.
Firstly, the article states that the man started to get these seizures when he first bought the N64, surely no coincidence?
Secondly, despite this, he played for 8 hours a day, 6 days a week. That is far too much time for to play video games, let alone someone with epilepsy.
Also, as the article states, "It's also hard to see how the woman can seriously expect to sue Nintendo for "her son's lost future earnings" when he was a thirty year old who spent 48 hours a week sat in front of the TV playing Mario".
And, if he hadn't have had that table there he wouldn't have knocked his head on it, he would have done so on the floor (which was probably carpeted)
This is stupider than smokers suing tobacco companies when they get cancer.
I hope she lost!

He might be right on this one.

(NOTE: People with epilepsy shouldn't play video games at all. They know the risk, and they should be prepared to face the consequences.)

(SECONDARY NOTE: And the parent of those shouldn't expect compensation for their own child's stupidity.) not surprised at that article really. I mean the worlds already fiiled with people like that who are just plain ignorant. Get a pen and paper and go out and meet people i gurantee you get down at least 40 ignorant stupid people in a day. Seesh this world has gone to hell

Woah woah woah... in the earlier lawsuit... someone had a seizure from playing a Nintendo? Ah... Was it caused by Chronic Pixel Syndrome?

If you are prone to seizures, or CPS, go to the following site. If you do, you run the risk of dying a terrible, and possibly hilarious, death.

What I dont understand is how bright (or flashy) lights (or screens) can trigger seizures, maybe a headache, but I dont know about seizures

I remember once playing Timesplitters on the PS2 after a few minutes of playing i felt dizzy and i almost puked that's the only game that's ever done that to me.

Try staring at the Winamp 5 visualization "The landscape is killing me". How much do you want to bet someone's going to sue over getting epiliepsy from that? People really need to loosen out. If there weren't so many issues over this kind of crap, we wouldn't have warnings like "do not attempt to stop with hand" on chainsaws or warnings burnt into the NES ROM of digital electronics a la DS.

That was unfortunate, although this also highly irregular. I don't think I've ever heard of anything like this before...Something similar to this, yes, but nothing that has caused death.