NES-101 Top Loader and Games For Sale

In Buy/Sell/Trade

I've got a top loading NES and some games that I'm just not using anymore for sale. I just put them on ebay, but it occured to me that there may be a forum out there with people that can appreciate this stuff and found this one. I'll end the auctions early if anyone here wants this stuff.

Since I'm new, I can give references on other forums if anyone wants them.

So, I'm not really sure what this stuff should be worth, so I'm going to throw out some numbers based on what I've seen here and on ebay. If I'm way off, please let me know.

PM me or post to this thread if you are interested.

First off the NES:

Comes with 4 controllers, the POWer supply and RF cable.

Since it sounds like $95 was out of line, I'm lowering the price on the NES to $75.

Some of the better games:

Super Tecmo Bowl $15
RC Pro Am $15
Double Dragon II $10

Other games:
I'll take offers on these or consider tossing them in with the other stuff I have FS.

- Super Mario Bros./Duckhunt
- Kung Fu
- Blades of Steel
- Ice Hockey
- Shingen the Ruler
- The Legend of Kage
- Tecmo Baseball
- Arch Rivals
- Willow
- Back to the Future II and III
- Xenophobe

I also have a regular NES that doesn't seem to work. The POWer button lights up, but the picture doesn't come through clearly. Dunno what is wrong with it, I'll take just about any offer if someone wants it.

You can put all that stuff in ONE post, you know.
ANd the price for the Toploader seems a little steep, i saw one on buy it now for something like 70. ANd those games, If your not including shipping, is a all-time Rip off.

I can come down on the prices, though I've seen STB and R.C. Pro-Am selling on ebay Buy It Nows for over $20+ shipping. I figured $15 would be ok.

Sorry about the multiple posts, I figured they would be easier to read and edit.

You can put all that stuff in ONE post, you know.
ANd the price for the Toploader seems a little steep, i saw one on buy it now for something like 70. ANd those games, If your not including shipping, is a all-time Rip off.

yeah, $95 for a top loader? I know this guy who had a bunch of top loaders and was selling them with 2 controllers, a zapper and one free game for $75 w/ $10.95 shipping. its too bad he sold them all, I wanted one...

Ok, $75+ shipping works for me on the NES + all the cables and controllers. Any takers? I'm at zip code 98662. PM/post your zip and I can calculate shipping.

I give you $35 +shipping just for the system, no cords or conrollers or anything.

I'm pretty sure I can do better than $35.

The cords and controllers aren't worth more than a few dollars by themselves, correct? I was including them moreso as a way to get them out of my closet than because of any value they add to the deal. I'd be happy to toss them out if a buyer wanted just the NES and not have to pay to ship that stuff.

I had to try though, right?

Sure, why not

Seriously this thing has been sitting on a shelf for years now. If hadn't got a wild hair and looked it up on ebay a few months back I wouldn't have known it was worth something. I probably would have sold it for dirt cheap/given it away sooner if I wasn't so into Super Tecmo Bowl.

Now I'm trying to dig up some money for some nice clay poker chips, so I'm selling a bunch of this stuff I dont' use anymore. I've also got a green Halo Xbox FS if anyone is looking for one of those...


I've got bids on this now so I can't sell it outside of ebay. 1 day left on the auction and it's going for $36 right now.