by Ironman on Wednesday, September 18, 2002
It's still rare today to find an action game with any kind of credible story. This is one of the first to introduce a story outside of rescuing the princess/girlfriend/president/world and more of a tale on one mans search for his father and the conspiracy that he gets into.
Ninja Gaiden stars Ryu Hayabusa, a kick ass action star before he jumped to Dead or Alive and was overshadowed by busty babes. But anyways the the story revolved around Ryu searching for his fatehr. He is a ninja and is armed with the legendary Dragon Sword. However in his quest he gets recruted by the CIA in an attempt to stop the Jaquio who wants to ressurect a demon slayed by Shinobi. From there Ryu braves the dangers of the Amazon and fights giant bosses and incredible odds to secure hs goal.
The action in this is constant and the difficulty high. BUt when it's all said and done this game is a one of a kind and is only overshadowed by teh second story (which EGM placed in there top 100 list). THis is a must own for any seriouse NES fan.
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Ninja Gaiden
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