Super Mario poll

In Super Mario Bros.

Hi I was just wanting to get everyones opnions on a few things for an upcoming project.

Whats your favorite suit/POWer-ups from the Mario series?

Least Favorite suit/POWer-ups?

The game with the game play you enjoyed the most?


My favourite all time POWer up would be the leaf from Super Mario Bros. 3/the feather from mario world (I guess they're kind of similar)
The flying and metal caps from super mario 64 were also good.
For me, the best gameplay was from mario 64.
The worst POWer up was probably the super mushroom. Ir's not entirely awful, but the others are far better.

Favorite Suit/POWer-up:
Cape from Super Mario World (SNES) / Flying is so convenient and fun.

Least Favorite Suit/POWer-up:
Super Mushroom from the NEW Super Mario Bros. (DS) / Great idea, poorly executed.

Favorite Gameplay:
Super Mario 64 / Was a little glitchy at times, but fun as hell


favorite suit: hammer bros fro smb3 maybe?

least favorite Item: Poison mushroom? haha

fav gameplay: I like all of them. I like the controlling of mario in smb1 the most I'd say. smb3 it's kind of odd... I dont really have a favorite I like A LOT of the mario games.

Favorite Suit/POWer-up:
The Hammer Bros Suit in SMB3 is fun, probably because you don't get it very often. It can also kill pretty much anything, even Thwomps.

Least Favorite Suit/POWer-up:
Probably the Frog Suit in SMB3. It's quite useful in a couple of water stages, but it is a bit stupid that you keep wearing it in the next level after that (bouncing around on dry land).

Favorite Gameplay:
I would say Super Mario World for now.

"Probably the Frog Suit in SMB3. It's quite useful in a couple of water stages, but it is a bit stupid that you keep wearing it in the next level after that (bouncing around on dry land)."

That's why I like it so much. I found it hilarious to play through a ton of levels like that.

Yeah, I guess it can be fun as a novelty.

Favorite suit? I'm with Daynum on this one. The Hammer Bros. suit rocks. Kuribo's shoe was also fun, but you couldn't keep it long enough.
POWer ups? The feather from SMB 3.
Least favorite suit? Frog-SMB 3. Cute the first few times, and that was it.
Least favorite POWer-up? Actually, the fire flower, because I tend to ruin my point value by accidentally shooting turtles I should have kicked.
Favorite game, hands down, is SMB 3.

My favorite POWerup is the rare-ish Hammer Bros. suit from Mario 3. It's Mario's best fourth-dimensional suit that produces objects from somewhere else in the universe!


Best gameplay: Super Mario Bros.. Best hands down Mario game in the galaxy for me. Also, probably back when Mario's voice was the least annoying.