Happy ThanksGiving/Columbus day Thread!

In Off-topic

I know this is a day early but some people have ThanksGiving dinner the day before well...My family does..Anyways I hope everyone here at Nesfiles has a very good day and enjoy the last long weekend of the year(Canada only?)
I don't know lots about Columbus day, do you have a get to gether on that day with your family? Anyways enjoy the Holiday on Monday!

Thanksgiving is in October in Canada?! it isn't til the end of November here....


Thanks figg, I can't wait for teh turkey. mmmm turkey sammiches..

In just a few hours I will be eating some Turkey

Happy Thanksgiving, Canada!
At this house, anyway, not much is done on Columbus Day.
Maybe next year I can con my wife into celebrating both the Canadian and American Thanksgiving!

Yay! Can't wait for the invites to be sent out
Just ate the main course waiting alittle bit before desert.

Also is it true that Columbus hung himself? I was told that by one of my Teachers at my old school.

I've never heard of that Columbus story before. I'll go on over to good 'ol Wiki and see what it has to say & edit this later.
~EDIT~ OK, your teacher may be right, or wrong. The Wikipedia says he simply died, and doesn't list the cause. He did order several of his ship crew hanged for disobeying him, and it seems he was not a man to be screwed with (the following is from Wikipedia):
During his time as governor and Viceroy Columbus virtually ruled his domain as a tyrant. Francisco de Bobadilla, a member of the Order of Calatrava, and Columbus' successor as Governor from 1500-1502, was charged with investigating Columbus' rule in the name of the Spanish Crown. His 48 page report — derived from the testimonies of 23 people who had seen or heard about the treatment meted out by Columbus and his brothers — had originally been lost for centuries, but was rediscovered in 2005 in the Spanish archives in Valladolid. It proved to contain an account of Columbus' 7 year reign as the first Governor of the Indies. According to his report Columbus was known both by friends and enemies for the atrociously harsh punishments he imposed on his subjects.

Columbus ordered a man who was caught stealing corn to have his nose and ears cut off and auctioned off as a slave. A woman who suggested Columbus was of lowly birth was punished by Columbus' brother Bartolomé: she was stripped naked and paraded around the colony on a mule. When Bartolomé had her tongue cut out, Columbus congratulated him for defending the family's honour. Consuelo Varela, a Spanish historian states: "Even those who loved him had to admit the atrocities that had taken place."
Wow. Who would have thought he was such a cranky dude?

Same here, gotta go check Wiki also! So I ate the deserts now...zomg I teh stuffed.

Check the edit above--what I'm really interested in finding is his ship's log. That would surely be an interesting read (if it's translated; I only know a few Italian words ).

Story short, Columbus was a sumbitch, and does NOT deserve a freaking holiday. He also promised a gold piece to the man who spotted land first. Of course, once land was spotted, he took credit and weasled out of parting with a gold piece.

i feel bad for the Native Americans. those poor poor people

Indeed. But I hate to sound like a jerk but if they didn't do that we wouldn't be here. And we wouldn't be living in such a fine country as Canada.

And the tax exemptions, and all the other perks they enjoy because their ancestors traded their land for shiny things...

if that's what you want to call it

Did the Natives even know what they were trading? Like I think they got a bad deal.

Nobody "traded" anything, the Indians got raped of their land without consent.

Ouch that does suck. Well atleast our Nation anthem says "Our Native Land"...Does the American anthem say anything of the sort in there's?

..That line isn't referring to indians, I think it just means where we're from.. . Thats how I've always interpereted it.

Columbus Day is normally celebrated in my school system by Somehow, this year, everyone's calanders in the entire town went temporarily offline, and I showed up yesterday as usual going, "Durr. I wonder when Columbus Day is so we can get the day off, durr!" Why has time forsaken Michigan?

Either way, happy whatever-is-celebrated-in-your-country involving Columbus!