The Thundercats Thread.(TTT for short).

In Off-topic

Who here enjoy's the show thundercats? I got the DVD of season 1 vol.1 this week and I must say I love this show. lion-o is pretty sweet. I am trying to trakc down Vol.2 of the frist season and the 2nd season as well no luck yet. I checked Future Shop Best buy and some comic stores around me no luck!! Anyhow did they make any games for this show? And I hope they bring back the TV show on TV.

There is no Volume 2 for season one. They were planning on it but instead they went straight into "Season 2" which has the rest of season one on it. They are selling season 2 here for $60 at Zellers.

Well, I recently, er, "aquired" the entire show, and spent days in nonstalgic bliss... until around episode 90 or so, when it suddenly got real old.

Thus the same reason I stopped after the first box set. I loved it as a kid but I forgot how... corny it accuatly was lol.

The cheesiness was at least forgivable until they introduced "Tygra", the wonder-fag.

Thundercats was one of my favourite shows as a kid. I've not seen it for many years and I think maybe it would disappoint me now. I don't think it had the classic humour that some 80's kids shows had. I still remember the theme tune as if I heard it yesterday though.

I know there were some computer versions for the likes of the Commodore 64 and Spectrum but I never played them.

I remember watching it, and enjoying it. I think I have some of the toys somewhere....
It's a good thing it's not on TV, as it probably wouldn't be as good as I remember it being (similar to what Daynum said) like Count Duckula is to me now.

Thundercats was one of my favourite shows as a kid. I've not seen it for many years and I think maybe it would disappoint me now. I don't think it had the classic humour that some 80's kids shows had. I still remember the theme tune as if I heard it yesterday though.

I know there were some computer versions for the likes of the Commodore 64 and Spectrum but I never played them.

ZOMG! I want that game looks like at least a very indepth RPG game. Jks... I wonder has anyone here played it?

Oh yeah now we're talking. That episode "No sax please we're Egyptian" is some of the best TV I ever saw.

Dude, are you being sarcastic? I'm pretty sure it was horrendously bad.

No way! That was hilarious. David Jason isn't capable of doing anything horrendously bad.

I've played a Thundercats game on the Atari ST. I'm pretty sure there were others as well.

Here is an extremely active forum about ThunderCats online gaming.


Ahhh... Thundercats. unfortunately I was only recently made aware of this wonderful cartoon's existence (1996 to be exact ) I've been raised on He-Man all my life, and quite recently I purchased the Teaser Box set of 10 "Best Of Episodes". Ihave and always treasure He-man forever...


HE-MAN RULES!!!!!!!!!!

*runs out of the room screaming and arms flailing*

Pft. He-Man... Does giant cat that he rides? Is he manly enough to wear fur? Is he so manly that he doesn't need a secret identity? Does he live in a post-apocolyptic future? I think not.

It's all about

Ahhh... Thundercats. unfortunately I was only recently made aware of this wonderful cartoon's existence (1996 to be exact ) I've been raised on He-Man all my life, and quite recently I purchased the Teaser Box set of 10 "Best Of Episodes". Ihave and always treasure He-man forever...


HE-MAN RULES!!!!!!!!!!

*runs out of the room screaming and arms flailing*

GO BATTLE CAT/CRINGER! He-man rocks! I didn't like the movie adaptaion they did of it all that much though compared to the cartoons.