People Are Idiots

In Off-topic

My neighbor has a hateful, antisocial dog. The entire neighborhood knows this. My neighbor knows this. Yet somehow, he felt that it was okay to let it run around out in front of the house with no leash.

Meanwhile, I'm putting out the trash bins. The thing sees me, and charges at me. Of course, the thing is about one foot nothing, so I'm not intimidated. At the last minute, the dog realizes that I would have no qualms about drop-kicking it, so it just stands there and barks.

I ignore it and continue putting out the trash bins. The dog gives up and starts running around the street.

My neighbor has been watching this the whole time. He hasn't even moved.

A car almost hits the little monster, and it heads down the sidewalk. NOW my neighbor starts calling to it. It ignores him, stops to smell the stop sign, and turns the corner.

My neighbor stares after it, and goes inside his house.

He could have easily ran after it and grabbed it, but he never moved.
Sometimes, I just wonder.

One of my neighbors has mean dogs. What really makes my mom mad is whenever the POWer goes out their electric fence stops working, and those dogs come charging for our house. The other neighbor says, "If those darn dogs set one foot on my property I am going to shoot them!"

Can't say it's happened to me, but I can understand your point.
Fortunately, my next door neighbours have no pets but I still don't like them. Especially as they are very loud and antisocial but the rest of my neighbourhood consists of old folk who usually go to bed at 6 o'clock haha

My dog is people friendly but sadly i cant say the same about other dogs. MY dog is very protective and does not like other dogs one bit. Weve had to pay medical bills more than once.

I have a problem in my neighborhood similiar to what's already been mentioned in this topic, except instead of "dogs" it's children.

Yeah, I'm not as much angered by the dog itself (after all, it's a tiny little wuss. It's funny) but I act like an absolute imbecile when their dog tries to take someone out. Now, in my case, it's funny, but when said moron has a Rottweiler or Pitbull, then you hear about it on the news.

What I couldn't believe about my neighbor was that he just his dog run away, then he saunters back into his house like nothing happened. It was like he didn't even care about anyone else, or the dog (which may very well be).

Children are worth than dogs. No repect for the elders.

My flat is near a school, so it's quite loud every day. AND there's a house with stupid dogs barking 24/7.

A load of pity for me please.

Wow what a moron, do people in your neigbohood ever sayanything to him?

No, I was the only one who saw it, and I'm not the type to spread rumors. I told my friends, but they don't live near me. Even if I did tell my other neighbors, I doubt anyone would say anything.

I'm so sick of irresponsible owners. I could understand if it was a child who pulled the stunt of just walking away, but an adult? I bet this person would complain if you had a neighbor whom had a pit bull and it tore thier dog to pieces. Or if it got hit by a car they probably would set the blame on the person driving the car.
Don't you have a leash law in your communtiy?

Yeah, but the problem is, the large majority of the dogs in my neighborhood are friendly, well-trained marshmallows, so people look the other way when these guys are let off their leashes (myself included). However, other dipsticks think it's okay to let their dogs run free when they're mean and not trained whatsoever.

One of my parent's friends almost got mauled by a pit bull, but her dog, Cody, reacted before she could and blocked the animal's charge. The pit bull tore Cody up pretty bad, though. My uncle was there, and managed to pull the dog off of him, so Cody's still around today.

Meanwhile, the dog's owner had been watching, I repeat, , his dog try to maul the both of them. When my uncle yanked the thing off of Cody, the guy started yelling, cussing, and lighting into my uncle, who was not in the least impressed.

The guy and his dog got away scott free, too. There wasn't any , and when it attacks someone "next time", it might be lethal.

Man, I would carry mace around.... at least if the dog comes after you, you can hopefully incapacitate it long enough to get way.
Seriously, what if instead of your uncle it would have been a child?
Stupidity should be lethal.

I would carry mace around. I hate stupid dogs.