In Modern Systems

Hey everyone. Just wanted to see if it was just me or if the Ice Titan in kingdom hearts is really long and difficult to beat. I havent been able to defeat it yet so I wanted to see if anyone else had some input about there battle

I haven't played that game in a few years, if you're talking about the PS2 version that is, I haven't tried the GBA version at all yet.

yea the PS2 version. That was a great game. I just beat Ice Titan today but now theres another boss. the platinum match its called. Have you beat it?

the platinum match... where are you in the game? it's been a long time since I've played it, and I never did quite finish it.

I finally beat the game today. Turns out the Platinum match was just an extra battle you can do. The Platinum battle is in the Coliseum. I recommend you try and beat it. After Hollow Bastion theres another world which has the final boss which is pretty sweet. Also just finishing it after like 2 yrs was so great. One of the best games I've ever played

man im still waiting to play kingdom hearts ive been waiting 4 ever