Friends Zapper Gun died, but...

In Hardware

How could it. Hes had it for a while, and one day, we were going to play Duckhunt, and it didn't work. Is there a way to fix it? Does it have a battery, and if so, could it be replaced??? Thanks.

they dont have batteries.. did you have it plugged into p2 slot?
i really dont know what could be wrong with it.. but if it truely doesnt work, your only solution may be ebay.

hmm... Im trying to think of what could just make it stop like that. if it really wont work, take it apart and clean the little think that "shoots" the "light" and then try it. if it really wont work, its not like you could mess it up anymore, right? and they got zapper guns on ebay for no more than $10 USD total w/ shipping F.Y.I

calm Down every one I know how he feels it happened to my one and only grey one and now is being used in the life after gaming.