Spelling of FAMICOM...

In Collecting

I got a shock last night when talking with my wife (who is Japanese)...

In English, we say/write FAMICOM. The word FAMICOM, in Japanese is a shortened (nickname if you wish) form of the two words Family Computer. In Japanese, though, since it is shortened, they don't say FAMICOM, they say FAMICON. This is due to the fact that the SPELLING for Computer, in Japanese, is with an "N" sound and not an "M."

So, from now on, I will be spelling it; FAMICON...

I'm sure no one else gives a shite, but anyway! hehe

Actually, if someone else KNOWS why, in English, we spell it FAMICOM, please tell us!

personally, it annoys me when people say Famicon... Call Nintendo up, it's Famicom.

i don't know.... in an old NP i have it says something along the lines of "introducing the Super FAMICON" but it could be a typo.

Yeah, I understand, but, hey, if we're NERD enough to use the Japanese form of a word, we might as well get it right, right?!

I do realize that in English, saying FAMICON sounds a bit strange....but it's a warped word from a different language, so I accept it. hehe

All of my original boxes say "FAMICOM" on them.

I though it was Famicon for the longest time then I was like why aren't there many ebay postings for it, when I realised "Family Computer" = Fami+com. But it seems wierd saying Famicom, Famicon sounds nicer.

The official term is FAMICOM.
Please accept it. Of course in Japanese they write ファミコン. Which would be written FAMICON in our letters.
But the thing is, it's called FAMily COMputer. And in computer there's an M, not an N.

BTW, best regards to your wife, fellow. I'm also married to a Japanese. Where's the from?