I asked santa for an Xbox but all I got was these!!!

In Buy/Sell/Trade

Now all he needs to do is charge $100 shipping and an Xbox will be his!

You need to sell lots of games to afford an XBox.

And I noticed the US and European version of MM3 have different artworks on the cart...

Ha! What a ploy! Put innocent eyes behind the games! haha I almost bid, myself!

What artwork is on the European MM3?

I like that one better!

But that's interesting how they come up with different marketing strategies for different cultures and such. I wonder what they base their strategies off of?

Also, I noticed that it says European Version on the bottom-left corner. I wonder why it says that when it's released in Europe? None of my boxes (that I can recall) have anything that says North American Version on the front. Interesting.

Lol that made me laugh mega hard here at work,cool auction,he needs to sell much much more to get his xbox!

I like that one better!

But that's interesting how they come up with different marketing strategies for different cultures and such. I wonder what they base their strategies off of?

Also, I noticed that it says European Version on the bottom-left corner. I wonder why it says that when it's released in Europe? None of my boxes (that I can recall) have anything that says North American Version on the front. Interesting.

I also wonder who makes and decides such strategies and why they change artworks sometimes.

Not all games have that written in the bottom left corner.
Some games have "Licensed by Nintendo (R) for play on the Nintendo Entertainment System. This game cannot be used with the Mattel or NES versions of the Nintendo Entertainment System (R)"

That Kid looks like a Hostage i have an Xbox but i like my NES more

Hey, I had the same thought the first time.
Somebody is forcing the kid... probably his big brother or so...

You might be onto something with that hostage theory as one on of the other items they're selling is a "ninja knife"!

In Australia we have differnt carts as well, just look at carts like
Wrath of the Black Manta and also Megaman 2.